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The Issue Is: San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan on Why California Needs Prop 36

San Jose mayor matt mahan yes on 36 yes on prop 36 The Issue Is with Elex Michaelson

Where you stand on creating accountability and treatment by passing Proposition 36 might just depend on where you are sitting. San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan sat down with Elex Michaelson on “The Issue Is:” to discuss why California needs Prop 36 – the proposition on the November ballot that would bring thoughtful reforms to Prop […]

San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan discusses support of Prop. 36 with Inside California Politics

san jose mayor matt mahan inside california politics prop 36 yes on 36 gavin newsom homelessness prop 47 reform

Watch for yourself as San José Mayor Matt Mahan discusses how Proposition 36 means treatment and accountability now. Bringing back court-mandated treatment will save money for consumers now paying a “theft tax,” save billions in reduced costs for managing the homeless crisis, save lives of those in danger of overdosing, and keep small businesses open. Governor Gavin […]